Why should I join APGANZ?

Why join APGANZ?

We welcome applications from the wide range of professionals including those providing, researching, and studying abortion care.

To apply for membership, you will need to complete an online application form below. 

You will need a proposer who is a current APGANZ member. If you can't identify someone, we will contact you to discuss your application 

Memebrship is subject to approval from the APGANZ Executive Committee. We will contact you once the out come is decided.

Membership fees 2024/25

Doctors with professional development funding: $200

Doctors without professional development funding : $100

Other Health Professionals: $40

Students: FREE

I'm a student, can I join APGANZ?

We welcome student members to APGANZ interested in abortion care. Memebership is free while you are studying.